Social anxiety is a very real mental health condition that affects many people on a daily basis. This can be difficult to combat and treat if a person doesn’t know much about the disorder. Not only that, but if they aren’t even aware they suffer from social anxiety, they’ll probably go a long time without getting help. So what is the root cause of social anxiety, and what is the best way to treat it?

What is Social Anxiety?

root cause of social anxietySocial anxiety is an intense fear or discomfort of being judged, looked down upon, or humiliated in a social setting. It can also involve feeling excessively self-conscious in front of other people. People with social anxiety often feel awkward and uncomfortable in social situations, to the point where they may become too scared to leave their homes. They may experience feelings of dread and think that everyone is judging them.

Physical symptoms such as increased heart rate, blushing, sweating, and trembling can also be present. They may become so overwhelmed with anxiety that they avoid social situations altogether. People with social anxiety may also struggle to make friends or maintain relationships due to their fear of being judged or rejected.

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Social Anxiety?

Social anxiety is characterized by a fear of social situations, which can lead to severe discomfort and self-consciousness. Common signs and symptoms of social anxiety disorder include the following:

  • Irrational fears about being judged or scrutinized by others
  • Excessive self-consciousness in everyday social situations
  • Avoidance of activities that involve interaction with other people
  • Strong feelings of embarrassment during social interactions
  • Fear of being humiliated in public
  • Difficulty making and maintaining eye contact with others
  • Fear of saying something embarrassing or foolish
  • Nausea, trembling, and sweating during social situations

Social anxiety can also lead to feelings of depression and isolation due to the avoidance of social events, which can have a negative impact on both personal and professional relationships. Therefore, it is important to seek help if you think that you or someone you know may be experiencing social anxiety disorder. There are a variety of treatments available such as cognitive behavioral therapy, medication, and lifestyle changes that can help. These treatment options go a long way in reducing symptoms.

How Common is Social Anxiety?

Social anxiety is a very common mental health issue. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), it’s estimated that around 15 million adults in the U.S. suffer from social anxiety disorder, making it one of the most prevalent anxiety disorders. Additionally, up to 13.3% of teens may have experienced social anxiety at some point in their life.

Social anxiety can be very severe and have a significant impact on an individual’s functioning and quality of life. Symptoms can range from feeling anxious about social situations to more extreme cases involving intense fear, avoidance, self-consciousness, and distress when interacting with others.

People suffering from social anxiety may struggle with activities that require them to interact with others. They may also fear being judged, embarrassed, or feeling inadequate in social settings. Social anxiety can also lead to physical symptoms such as blushing, sweating, trembling, nausea, and muscle tension.

How Does Social Anxiety Develop?

Social anxiety can develop for a variety of reasons. It may be the result of someone’s environment, upbringing, and learned behaviors. Early experiences such as feeling embarrassed in front of others or being teased by peers can contribute to the development of social anxiety. People who are naturally shy or introverted may also be more prone to developing social anxiety.

Additionally, if someone has had a particularly stressful or traumatic experience in a social setting, this can lead to the development of social anxiety. It is also thought that genetics may play a role as some people are more genetically predisposed than others to developing social anxiety.

What is the Root Cause of Social Anxiety?

The root cause of social anxiety is complex and can be attributed to a variety of factors. For some, it may be the result of genetics or other biological influences. For others, it may stem from early childhood experiences that shape how an individual views and interacts with the world around them.

Other potential causes include trauma, poor self-esteem, perfectionism, a critical inner voice, and social conditioning. Additionally, people with social anxiety may also be more prone to interpreting situations as threatening or embarrassing. This can ultimately lead to feelings of excessive fear or worry when facing social situations.

What is the Best Plan of Action to Address Social Anxiety?

root cause of anxietyThe best plan of action to address social anxiety is to take a proactive approach that involves both short-term and long-term strategies. In the short term, it is important to work on developing coping mechanisms and building self-confidence. This should include the following:

  • Relaxation techniques
  • Mindfulness practice
  • Journaling
  • Positive affirmations
  • Seeking support from friends and family

Additionally, it is important to practice positive self-talk and challenge negative thoughts that contribute to social anxiety. Positive self-talk is an important practice because it can help to boost our confidence and improve our mental health. It can also help us to stay motivated and on track with our goals. Positive self-talk helps to remind us of our strengths, capabilities, and successes. It is a way for us to encourage ourselves when we are facing difficult situations.

Positive self-talk can also help to decrease any negative thoughts or feelings we may have, such as anxiety or depression. Positive self-talk helps us to become more aware of our inner dialogue and to recognize how our words and thoughts can influence our actions and emotions. By practicing positive self-talk, we can learn to use positive words when describing ourselves and our life experiences.

Getting Help for Mental Health Disorders at Adler Health

Adler Health is a premier mental health treatment center located in Orange County, California. Social anxiety is a very real mental health condition. If you or a loved one would like to get help, you can contact us here.