January doesn’t just signal the start of the new year, it is also the start of National Codependency Awareness Month. Codependency, often misunderstood and sometimes controversial, is a term that carries significant weight in the realm of psychology and personal development.

In this blog, we will take a look at what exactly codependency is, how it can affect your mental health, signs that you may be in a codependent relationship, and how Adler Health can assist those navigating mental health concerns during National Codependency Awareness Month and beyond.

What is Codependency?

national codependency awareness monthBefore we take a deeper dive into codependency and codependent relationships, it’s important first to understand what codependency is.

The concept of codependency originated in the addiction treatment field back in the 1980s. The term codependency was initially used to describe the enabling behavior of individuals close to someone struggling with substance abuse. Over the years, though, the term has evolved to encompass a broader range of relational patterns.

Simply put, codependency refers to a dysfunctional relationship where one person’s needs, emotions, and well-being are subjugated to the needs of another.

In a codependent relationship, one person may feel an excessive and unhealthy reliance on their partner for validation, identity, and a sense of purpose. This can often lead to a cycle of enabling and dependence, where both parties become entangled in a web of unhealthy behaviors.

How Does Codependency Affect Mental Health?

Codependency can have profound effects on mental health, both for the codependent person and the relationship as a whole.

Below are some ways in which codependency can impact a person’s mental well-being:

Codependent individuals frequently derive their sense of self-worth from external validation, primarily from their partner. This over-reliance on external sources for validation can lead to persistent feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem.

Codependent relationships often lack clear and healthy boundaries. Individuals may struggle to assert their needs or protect their personal space, leading to a sense of being overwhelmed and invaded.

Codependency often creates an environment of perpetual stress and anxiety. The constant preoccupation with the needs and emotions of the partner, coupled with the fear of abandonment, can result in heightened stress levels. Anxiety becomes a constant companion as individuals navigate the delicate balance of meeting their partner’s expectations. Here at Adler Health in Orange County, Southern California, we offer an anxiety treatment center.

The need for external validation can become a primary source of validation for codependent individuals. This reliance on others for a sense of worth can hinder personal growth and autonomy.

Codependent individuals may struggle with making decisions independently. The fear of upsetting the partner or risking the relationship’s stability can paralyze their ability to choose what is best for them.

Constantly attending to the needs and emotions of a partner while neglecting one’s well-being can lead to emotional burnout. The relentless cycle of giving without replenishing emotional reserves can result in profound exhaustion.

Coping with the challenges of codependency may lead individuals to turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms such as substance abuse, compulsive behaviors, or other forms of self-destructive behavior.

Codependency can set a precedent for future relationships, perpetuating a cycle of unhealthy dynamics. Individuals who have experienced codependency may struggle to establish and maintain healthy relationships in the future.

What are the Signs You Might Be in a Codependent Relationship?

Unfortunately, many people who are in codependent relationships aren’t even aware that they are in one. They may not want to accept that they are in one, or they may think that the dynamic of their relationship is normal.

Whether it’s your relationship or someone you know, recognizing the signs of codependency is crucial for initiating positive change. While every relationship is unique, certain red flags may indicate codependent dynamics.

Some common signs that you or someone you know may be in a codependent relationship include:

Codependent individuals often find it challenging to say no, even when it goes against their own needs or values. This can lead to a pattern of self-sacrifice for the sake of the relationship.

If you struggle to define yourself outside of the relationship and feel incomplete without your partner, it may indicate codependency.

If your sense of happiness and well-being is overwhelmingly dependent on the status of your relationship, it could be a sign of codependency.

Codependent relationships often involve enabling destructive behaviors in the partner, such as addiction or other harmful habits, to maintain the relationship’s status quo.

A pervasive fear of abandonment or being alone characterizes many codependent relationships. This fear can lead individuals to tolerate unhealthy behaviors for the sake of maintaining the relationship.

Codependent individuals often find it challenging to express their true emotions, especially if they fear it may upset or disappoint their partner. They may suppress their feelings to maintain the perceived harmony in the relationship.

Codependent individuals may be overly sensitive to criticism, taking it as a personal attack on their worth. The fear of disapproval or rejection can be paralyzing, leading to an avoidance of conflict at all costs.

Codependent individuals may feel a compulsive need to “fix” or “rescue” their partner from their problems. This behavior can create an unhealthy dynamic where one person’s well-being is contingent on the other’s struggles.

Codependent individuals may give up on their personal goals and aspirations in favor of those of their partner. This can result in a loss of individual identity and a sense of purpose outside the relationship.

Codependency can lead to a pervasive lack of trust in others, making it challenging to form healthy connections outside the primary relationship. For example, past betrayals or disappointments may make a person hesitant to open up or rely on friends and family.

Codependent individuals often experience intense feelings of guilt and shame, especially when they perceive themselves as not meeting their partner’s expectations or when asserting their own needs.

Recognizing these signs is the first step toward fostering healthier relationships and promoting individual well-being. If you or someone you know identifies with one or more of these behaviors, it might be beneficial to seek support and explore strategies for cultivating more balanced, fulfilling connections. Understanding and addressing codependency can lead to personal growth, improved self-esteem, and the establishment of healthier relationship dynamics.

Why is Codepenceny a Controversial Term?

Despite its widespread use, the term “codependency” has faced criticism and controversy within the mental health community.

Some argue that it oversimplifies complex relationship dynamics and pathologizes normal human behavior. Critics also contend that the term can be stigmatizing and may discourage individuals from seeking help due to the negative connotations associated with it.

Additionally, the overall concept of codependency has evolved, making it difficult at times to clearly define. Since the term was originally linked to addiction, its broadening over the years has resulted in it being used, at times, as a catch-all term.

While there is some controversy, proponents of the term argue that it remains a valuable tool for identifying and addressing dysfunctional patterns in relationships. It provides a framework for understanding the dynamics that can contribute to mental health challenges and offers a starting point for intervention and healing.

Adler Health Can Help You During National Codependency Awareness Month

codependency awarenessNational Codependency Awareness Month provides an opportunity to reflect on the dynamics that shape our relationships and impact our mental health. Codependency, though a controversial term, sheds light on patterns that can be detrimental to personal well-being. By understanding what codependency is, recognizing its effects on mental health, and identifying signs of codependent relationships, individuals can take steps towards healthier, more fulfilling connections.

It’s also crucial to recognize the importance of mental health and seek assistance when needed.

That’s where we come in at Adler Health.

At Adler Health, we are dedicated to providing support and resources for individuals facing mental health challenges, including those related to codependency. Our holistic approach to mental health emphasizes self-love and empowerment, encouraging individuals to prioritize their well-being and establish healthy boundaries.

We offer counseling services, support groups, and educational programs to help individuals build resilience, improve self-esteem, and foster healthier relationships.

If you or a loved one has found themselves in a codependent relationship and is struggling mentally, you don’t need to go through it alone. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help.